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comfort kits

These are collaboratively curated kits for people who have encountered sexual trauma. This kit will include a range of useful distraction, comfort, and educational material to individuals for free. This Comfort Kit is sponsored by Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center and KCAIC Grant.


The kits are available to the individuals immediately after they have been attacked.

Where can I get one?

At the moment, these kits are only available through the Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center in Wichita, Kansas.


The kits are available at no charge to any individual who will need to use it.

How can I request one?

Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing.


Unfortunately, at the moment we only have a limited supply of these kits available and are always seeking donors and sponsorshps.

How can I sponsor or collaborate?

Click here to become a sponsor or collaborator

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